
This page details a simple roadmap for the MAHA protocol.

The following is a rough roadmap for the ZAI stablecoin:

Phase 0: Early Bootstrap Mode

In this phase, we focus on bootstrapping liquidity for ZAI and aim to grow its liquidity and market valuation to $500k—$1mn.

Users can mint ZAI using stablecoins and will be incentivized with MAHA emissions. Accepted stablecoins will be USDC, DAI, USDe and ZAI will be minted using the Peg Stability Module.

Once the protocol reaches the $500k—$1mn liquidity mark, we will proceed to Phase 1.

Phase 1: Early Lending Stage

In this phase, we will launch ZAI into a few lending markets using the Direct Deposit Module and accept a few assets as collateral so that ZAI can be borrowed against them.

Initially, the protocol will limit the amount of ZAI minted to lending protocols to be no more than 50% of the available liquidity on DEXes. This is kept to ensure that there's strong peg support as borrowers sell their ZAI for leveraged exposure.

In this phase, the protocol starts to generate lending and borrowing revenue, which starts to go back to LP stakers.

This phase will last for 2-3 months and can get extended depending on the growth of the protocol. In this phase, we will also stop any MAHA emissions used to bootstrap liquidity and focus solely on revenue incentives for liquidity incentives.

Phase 2: MAHA Airdrop & Points

The MAHA Airdrop is currently kept behind closed doors and will be revealed to the community when the time is right.

The earliest contributors to the protocol will earn the most amount of points. Even prior to launch.

Phase 3: Cross-chain expansion

We start to expand to ZAI to multiple chains and provide liquidity to lending protocols across other chains allowing leverage traders to borrow ZAI.

In this phase, we will also aim to enable cross-chain native re-staking, which will allow users to mint ZAI with native USDC/USDT minted on these chains.

Within these four phases, we aim to convert ZAI into a fully functioning stablecoin with deep liquidity and integrations within the DeFi ecosystem.

Last updated